

  • We have created, and continue to grow, the first national directory of vetted, trauma-focused providers, trained in brain-body based modalities, by state. Our Approved Care Network helps spread healing from trauma rather than coping with the symptoms. We currently have forty-five therapists, supplemental care providers and treatment facilities listed.
  • We have curated over 100 recommended articles, books, videos and helpful websites on various topics related to abuse and mental health through a trauma-focused lens.


  • We bring internationally recognized trauma experts to local mental health practitioners to train them in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy), a leading, evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment modality. This 52 hour intensive training has life-changing results. We have already facilitated training of clinicians who work with approximately 3,100 children in the Kentucky foster care system, 95% of whom are below the poverty level. Some of these children have no longer needed medication, no longer self-harmed and even improved their symptoms so much that they no longer require their previous level of care.
  • We have given 20 speaking engagements / trainings / workshops / talk backs which include Continuing Education Units (CEUs), keynotes and breakout speeches at conferences, college campus engagements, talks at residential programs, trainings at domestic violence shelters, workshops in partnership with internationally recognized trauma experts, post show discussions at renowned New York City theaters, (such as Rattlestick Playwrights Theater) and more.


  • We produced a Short Film called Silk which follows a gifted aerialist who struggles to recognize she’s being gaslit by her new boyfriend. With a nod to the classic film Gaslight, our short film sparks college campus conversations about the most insidious forms of abuse and trauma and what to do about them through College Workshops built around our film. Silk features stunning aerial work by renowned performer Crista Marie Jackson (The Greatest Showman) and also stars Fran Kranz (The Cabin In The Woods), Louisa Krause (Billions) and Garcia (Tales of the City). Silk is directed by John Magaro (The Many Saints of Newark, The Umbrella Academy, Carol, The Big Short) and written by award-winning playwright David Caudle and Healing TREE founder Marissa Ghavami.
  • We released one Short Film in partnership with the world-renowned Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Northwestern and Adelphi Universities, entitled Never Give Up: A Complex Trauma Film by Youth for Youth, which has an accompanying Resource Guide.
  • We released 1 Public Service Announcement (PSA) on Domestic Violence and trauma bonding entitled Bound with accompany resources. Bound was re-released in May of 2020 in the context of COVID-19 in partnership with Women’s Aid and Irish singer-songwriter Mick Flannery.
  • We have one micro-short film / Public Service Announcement (PSA) geared towards middle school through college students about the “little t” traumas we keep inside us that affect our lives moving forward, which will be released this Fall, entitled Locked Inside Us.
  • We released one Public Service Announcement (PSA) on what you need to know about gaslighting, a common tactic of abusers & dictators featuring Charles Baker (“Skinny Pete” from Breaking Bad).
  • We released one Public Service Announcement (PSA) on what you need to know about toxic stress and children separated from their parents featuring Christina Bianco (Paris’ Funny Girl, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, impressions have gained 25 million YouTube views).


  • We held a virtual “Paint Nite” fundraiser for the Therapist of Color Collaborative, sponsoring BIPOC therapists to provide trauma-sensitive mental health services to BIPIOC clients in need who have been impacted by acts of abuse and violence.
  • Featured on 2 national radio shows, 2 local news programs and 2 local magazines
  • We have partnered and collaborated with some of the biggest names in the trauma field: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s team at the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. David Grand and Dr. Jamie Marich.
  • We have actors from Broadway, Film and TV (“Skinny Pete” from Breaking Bad, Rodney Hicks from the Original Broadway cast of RENT & many more) as Artist Advocates.
  • Every Sunday at noon est during physical distancing, our Founder, Marissa Ghavami, hosts a live event from our Facebook page with a group check-in, guided meditation, mental health tips and special guests from the trauma and arts fields. We are amplifying Black voices on these lives and highlighting racial trauma, anti-racism and self-care.