We facilitate and sponsor trainings in the evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment modality EMDR to spread healing to underserved populations.

We facilitate and sponsor trainings in the evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment modality EMDR to spread healing to underserved populations.

EMDR Therapy Training

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy is a leading, evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment modality, which is highly effective in treating the widespread conditions related to trauma. Healing TREE sponsors and facilitates EMDRIA-approved EMDR Therapy Trainings done by an internationally recognized, one-of-a-kind training team. Our focus with this program is making cutting edge trauma treatment accessible to underserved populations. As of December 2024, Healing TREE has provided trainings for nearly 450 therapists, serving approximately 22,200 youth in the foster care, child welfare and juvenile justice systems per year.

Ways to Join our Trainings

We currently sponsor these trainings for therapists working at social service agencies serving youth in the foster care, child welfare and juvenile justice systems, 95% of whom are below the poverty level. Our self-pay or organization-pay trainings are available for clinicians serving any community, anywhere in the country, with a minimum of 20 trainees per training. Our self or organization-pay option is also available for folks who would like to join an already scheduled training. This may be advantageous for 1) those not wanting to wait until a scholarship slot becomes available given the length of our waitlist 2) those not eligible for our scholarships 3) if an organization is not able to cover the cost of training 20 trainees (the minimum to schedule their own training). Joining a training already scheduled in your city or state, or your organization hosting a training, would save travel and lodging costs generally associated with trainings of this caliber. We currently host our trainings in locations that typically do not have other in-person EMDR Therapy Trainings. Additionally, with enough interest in any location in the country, we can put together a training to meet the 20 trainee minimum. So, we encourage you to join our waitlist no matter what type of training you are interested in! You can also contact us if you are interested.

About EMDR Therapy

Discovered by Dr. Francine Shapiro, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is one of the most researched and utilized methods in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of human distress connected to trauma. As the American Psychological Association explains EMDR is “a structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories. Unlike other treatments that focus on directly altering the emotions, thoughts and responses resulting from traumatic experiences, EMDR therapy focuses directly on the memory, and is intended to change the way that the memory is stored in the brain, thus reducing and eliminating the problematic symptoms.”

Traditional modalities like CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), or talk therapy, don’t engage the part of the brain that is injured during trauma. As one of the world’s leading trauma experts, Bessel van der Kolk, MD, says, “Trauma has nothing whatsoever to do with cognition.” Furthermore, the World Health Organization stated in 2013 that trauma-focused CBT and EMDR are the only psychotherapies recommended for children, adolescents, and adults with PTSD. “Like CBT with a trauma focus, EMDR aims to reduce subjective distress and strengthen adaptive cognitions related to the traumatic event. Unlike CBT with a trauma focus, EMDR does not involve (a) detailed descriptions of the event, (b) direct challenging of beliefs, (c) extended exposure, or (d) homework.”


EMDR is recommended by the World Health Organization, American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. EMDR has been shown as superior to Fluoxetine in treating PTSD and depression (Van der Kolk et al., 2007). In a comparison of CBT and EMDR for sexually abused Iranian girls, both EMDR and CBT produced significant reduction in PTSD and behavior problems but EMDR was significantly more efficient, using approximately half the number of sessions to achieve results. (Jaberghaderi, N., et al., 2004). Three 90-minute sessions of EMDR eliminated post-traumatic stress disorder in 90% of rape victims. (Rothbaum, B., 1997.) Two sessions of EMDR reduced psychological distress in traumatized adolescents/ young women and brought scores within one standard deviation of the norm. (Scheck, M., et al., 1998)


Why We Need to Train Clinicians in EMDR

Removing Barriers

Despite EMDR’s incredible body of research and efficacy, many clinicians are not trained in it due to it being cost-prohibitive. This is especially true for clinicians outside of private practice who serve under-resourced communities, which leaves the most marginalized populations without this quality of care. This informs our focus on providing training scholarships for clinicians serving the most vulnerable communities and bringing the trainings to locations that don’t typically have them to save travel and lodging costs for clinicians doing self or organization-pay. We believe in equitable access to first-rate treatment and a founding principal of ours is removing barriers for those who have been systemically shut out of this access.

Transforming the lives of youth in the foster care, child welfare and juvenile justice systems

About Our Training Program

Completing our full training approved by EMDRIA is a multi-tiered process, consisting of:

  • Part I Training (3 Days = 21 total hours of Lecture and Practicum; In person): Covers the basics of trauma, the adaptive information processing model, trauma-informed stabilization, and the basic methodology and mechanisms of action used in EMDR Therapy. Therapists will be able to practice EMDR Therapy with certain clients after completion of Part I.
  • Part II Training (3 Days = 21 total hours of Lecture and Practicum; In person): Enhanced practicum content, covering best practices for using EMDR Therapy with special populations and in the complex scenarios of clinical practice; advanced content on ethics and neurobiology is also covered, in addition to working with the art of case conceptualization. 
  • 10 Hours of Group Consultation (Virtual; Approximately half of the Consultation hours are completed between Part 1 and Part 2 and the additional hours are completed after Part 2. You will have 1 year to complete the entire training process (Part 1, Part 2 and 10 hours of Group Consultation). The trainer will make available an adequate number of video platform based consultation groups with ample time and notice to schedule. Trainees will work with an EMDRIA-approved consultant/consultants in training (whom they can choose based on the population group they treat), which is essential to practical skill building as an EMDR therapist. Completion of consultation is required before a Certificate of Training in EMDR Therapy may be awarded.
  • Training manuals are included (one for Part I and one for Part II) and are given to trainees the first day of each training.


There is a strict 30-day cancellation policy before the start of Part I. No cancellations are accepted for Part II. If you are unable to make Part II, or if you cancel with less than 30 days’ notice before Part I, you will be required to find an eligible replacement trainee to fill your spot. Failure to do so will result in you losing the ability to ever receive scholarship funds through Healing TREE for any program if you have received a scholarship and will result in the forfeiture of your payment if you are a self/organization-pay trainee.

Successful completion of this program constitutes completion of the foundational training program in EMDR Therapy, and allows one to practice EMDR Therapy within one’s clinical scope of practice. Earning the EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist distinction requires additional training and consultation one may complete with us or another party if they wish to go on for this distinction.

The curriculum has been designed by Jamie Marich, Ph.D., LPCC-S, RMT and trainings are led by Amber Stiles-Bodnar, MSEd, LPCC-S, LCDC III. Dr. Jamie Marich is an internationally renowned clinical trauma specialist, author, and speaker on topics related to EMDR therapy, trauma, addiction and more as well as the founder of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. The EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) granted Jamie the 2019 Advocacy in EMDR Award. Amber Stiles-Bodnar, an affiliate of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness, specializes in trauma, abuse, codependency, and the intersection between trauma, addiction and high-risk lifestyles. Amber has worked in mental health and chemical dependency treatment providing therapy as a residential, outpatient and dual diagnosis counselor. Amber has a history of working in community mental health as a trauma expert, assisting with special projects, program development, and integrating trauma informed care standards throughout the agencies. As a former Supervisor of Foster Care, she has extensive experience treating and overseeing the treatment of children and families. Our trainers have the only EMDRIA-approved training program that teaches EMDR therapy through the lens of mindfulness. They also uniquely allow trainees to choose consultants that align with the population group they treat (e.g. children, adults, addiction, etc.) This program specifically equips therapists to work with real world clinical presentations from day one, including how to handle complex and developmental trauma, addressing dissociation, and implementing EMDR into their current setting.

The cost for the entire 52 hour training outlined above is $1,950 per clinician (not including travel or lodging). Please see “Ways to Join Our Trainings” near the top of this page to learn about our periodically offered scholarships as well as our self and organization-pay options and training size minimums. Please join our waitlist via the buttons at the top of this page if you are interested. Please note that $1,950 is comparable to the typical all-inclusive (not including travel or lodging) training fee per therapist with trainers, facilitators and consultants of this caliber (please see the “Curriculum + Training Team” section directly above), but the trainers provide a generous discount to Healing TREE/for Community Mental Health providers. This allows Healing TREE to do the work necessary to, whenever possible, secure the funds for the training and to handle the programming, facilitation and administrative tasks for the therapists/agencies, removing the burden from under-resourced systems, without increasing the cost of a typical training of this caliber to have us involved. As this program grows, we are able to provide EMDR Therapy Training to more therapists in under-served communities.

Please note, there is nothing specific trainees must do post completion of their basic training in order to continue to utilize EMDR. There are recommendations, made by state licensing boards, clinicians utilize best practice standards. This is often accomplished through clinicians obtaining continuing education in areas in which they practice. It is suggested clinicians therefore continue their professional development through various forms of continuing education in the area of EMDR.

Forty two CEs are available for Parts I and II. EMDR Therapy Training Part I and Part II must be completed in real-time and all sessions must be attended for CE credits; no partial credit can be awarded.

This course is APPROVED by The EMDR International Association (EMDRIA).

American Psychological Association
Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting maintains responsibility for this program and its content and is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  

National Board of Certified Counselors
Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting has been approved by National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7170. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board
Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting is an approved provider of continuing education by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board (OCSWMFT) for counselors, social workers, and marriage/family therapists. Approval Number:  #RCST032001

A General Note About Approvals
Please also note that APA-approved sponsors are accepted by many state boards, such as California BBS and major licensure boards within the state of Pennsylvania and Kentucky. In these cases, separate paperwork does not need to be filled out. Many state boards also accept out-of-state providers, which is why our Ohio approvals appear on every training. For example, Kentucky Board of Licensed Professional Counselors accepts other state board approvals.  In some states, pre- or post-program approval forms must be sent, and therapists are responsible for checking into the rules of the licensure board in their state as to what is required.


Licensed Mental Health Professionals 

Qualifying medical doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province. 

Qualifying advanced practice registered nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province. 

Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a master’s degree in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province. 

Pre-Licensed Mental Health Professionals 

These are clinicians who are actively pursuing a mental health license through their state board (or province) while working under a licensed supervisor. Some of these license types include associate, intern, limited, provisional, temporary and pre-license. 

Qualifying pre-licensed mental health clinicians must have a master’s degree in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and must be actively pursuing a full license through their state board (or province) while working under a licensed supervisor. 

Graduate Students 

Qualifying graduate students must be enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Nursing, Social Work) or related mental health discipline. Students must have completed their core graduate academic coursework and must be in the practicum/internship portion of their graduate program. First year graduate students are not eligible. Graduate students must be on a licensing track and working under the supervision of a fully licensed mental health clinician. 

Graduate students who would like to take an EMDR Training will need to submit certain documentation (graduate transcript, practicum or internship details, and a letter from their supervisor which includes the supervisor’s license information and number) in order to verify their eligibility.  

• Trainees should have access to practice this therapy in their settings and therefore need to have some level of client engagement.

• Individuals who only hold a chemical dependency or substance abuse license may be eligible if they are able to show sufficient clinical content on their master’s level transcripts, have a valid license in their state, or have pre-licensure status described above. As these licenses generally do not allow for a mental health scope of practice additional proof is necessary to verify eligibility requirements.  

• If you are an employee of an organization, upon joining a specific training’s interest list, you will be asked to upload a letter of support from your organization. This letter will need to confirm your organization’s support of your engagement with the training process (time off for training and consultation, utilization of the modality, etc).

Training Code of Conduct & Participant Agreement

Get Involved


You can sponsor clinicians on our waitlist to get EMDR Therapy Training. $1,950 covers the 52 hour training for 1 clinician.

Bring EMDR to Your Organization

Contact Healing TREE to discuss training for your organization. We can also provide information to help your organization get funding to bring EMDR Therapy Training to your clinicians.


“I truly had no expectations from this EMDR training. I am an anti-‘woo-woo’ kind of person. After learning about the biology / anatomy behind this therapy, I quickly realized EMDR is a “kill switch” to all those verbal things our clients get hung up on during processing issues/trauma problems. You cannot make progress when the defense mechanisms will not come down.”
~ R.S.

“Before I stared EMDR training I felt like I was at a loss as therapist, I was burnt out and asked myself why do I continue to do therapy and all of my clients are still stuck. Doing this training and getting the opportunity to see a different way to therapy has been life changing for not only myself but for my clients. … EVERY therapist should be trained in EMDR.”
~ Macie G.

“… I was skeptical of EMDR. However, I tried it with clients and was amazed at the process and client feedback. One client shared at the beginning it was as if a tornado was in the back of their head. When they cleared they shared that the tornado was gone. I plan to continue with EMDR and help my clients – one tornado at a time.”
~ Ashley B.

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Share your EMDR Therapy, or EMDR Therapy Training Testimonial with us…

Why our EMDR Therapy Training is so important

See the Difference Your Donation Makes

Our program has seen record breaking results due to our generous donors, grantors and sponsors. We have currently provided an estimated 14,500 youth per year in the foster care, child welfare and juvenile justice systems access to EMDR therapy. There has been a reduction in their hospital bills, need for medication and self-injurious behavior and, because of this, some do not even qualify for their same level of care anymore. Your gift will have a similar impact on individuals needing trauma focused therapy, transforming their lives, families, communities, and ultimately, our society.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Giving Levels

Healing TREE works closely with businesses, charitable trusts, public bodies and individuals to form mutually beneficial partnerships that have a real impact. Your support, no matter the size, is important in sustaining our life saving programs. In appreciation of your gift, you will receive a comprehensive collection of carefully selected benefits designed and easily customizable depending on your needs. If you have any questions about donor benefits, please contact us at [email protected] or (502) 743-2733.

PLATINUM $10,000

  • Content creation by Healing TREE for sponsor’s website (i.e. a unique video by Healing TREE Founder and Executive + Artistic Director Marissa Ghavami talking about Healing TREE’s life-saving work and your integral support)
  • Optional Speaking opportunity / Advertisement via video (or in person if in same city) at the EMDR Therapy Training sponsored.
  • 2 min Video / Advertisement and Extra-large logo placement on EMDR Therapy Training page.
  • 5 posts on any of our social media platforms – dedicated to your company only.
  • Sponsor name will be a part of training session, “XXX presents”.
  • On-site product sampling opportunities.
  • An annual impact report along with a charitable tax receipt.

GOLD $6,000

  • Content creation by Healing TREE for sponsor’s website (i.e. a unique video by Healing TREE Founder and Executive + Artistic Director Marissa Ghavami talking about Healing TREE’s life-saving work and your integral support)
  • Large logo placement on EMDR Therapy Training page.
  • 5 posts on any of our social media platforms – dedicated to your company only.
  • Logo on material for EMDR Therapy Training.
  • On-site product sampling opportunities.
  • Annual impact report along with a charitable tax receipt.

SILVER $3,000

  • On-site product sampling opportunities.
  • Medium logo placement on EMDR Therapy Training page.
  • 3 posts on any of our social media platforms – dedicated to your company only.
  • Annual impact report along with a charitable tax receipt.

BRONZE $1,500

  • On-site product sampling opportunities.
  • Small logo placement on EMDR Therapy Training page.
  • 3 posts on any of our social media platforms – dedicated to your company only.
  • Annual impact report along with a charitable tax receipt.


  • Extra small logo / name placement on EMDR Therapy Training page.
  • 1 post on any of our social media platforms – this will be shared with other level sponsors.
  • Annual impact report along with a charitable tax receipt.

Looking for an affordable and convenient way to support Healing TREE? Simply arrange a monthly gift. Recurring donations are vital to sustaining all of Healing TREE’s programming. All monthly donors will be recognized at the level associated with their annual donation total.