Give Local Louisville

Healing TREE is now registered for Give Local Louisville, a full day of giving scheduled for September 15, 2016!

Give Local Louisville is hosted by the Community Foundation of Louisville in conjunction with many generous sponsors and partners to inspire people to give generously to the nonprofits that make our community a better, more vital place to live. In 2015, Give Local Louisville raised $3 million through 8,785 gifts for the 362 participating nonprofits, a $1 million increase over the previous year.

This year, Give Local Louisville returns on Thursday, September 15. Will you support Healing TREE on this exciting day?

Here are the details:

• When is Give Local Louisville 2016? On Thursday, September 15, 2016 you can contribute to Healing TREE (Trauma Resources, Education & Empowerment) at any time from midnight to midnight.

• Who can donate? Any individual, business, foundation, or organization with a credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa), a computer or other mobile-enabled device (i.e., a computer, iPad or smartphone) and access to the Internet can donate.

 I’m a Community Foundation fund holder. Can I donate through my CL fund? Community Foundation of Louisville fund holders can use their funds at the Foundation to participate in Give Local Louisville. Gifts may be made online through the donor’s MyFund account.

• What kind of gifts can be made? Only gifts made online on September 15, 2016, with a credit card will be accepted. Gifts by check, cash, or stock cannot be accepted as a part of this event. All gifts are tax deductible and are to be used for the unrestricted use of the nonprofits.

 Is there a minimum donation amount? The minimum donation will be $10; there is no maximum limit.

• Are there fees associated with this? A processing fee of 5-6½% will be automatically deducted from each donation.

• Will I receive a receipt? All donors will receive an e-receipt from the Community Foundation that will serve as the donor’s tax receipt. The statement will show a gift made to the Community Foundation of Louisville. Participating nonprofits will not have to provide a receipt to donors.

• Where can I find the link to the donation site? Click here. Or, you can go to and search for Healing TREE in the upper right corner.

• Help Healing TREE win bonus prizes – take a look at the Prize Schedule here!